a retail unit for H&M in the basement, ground and first floor of this former bank building in College Green


In addition to creating  a retail unit for H&M in the basement, ground and first floor of this former bank building in College Green,  we lodged a planing application to covert the upper floors of this historical building  to residentail  apartments.

This involved the design team, which included Donnelly Turpin Architects, Grainie Shaffrey, Conservation Architect and JJ Campbell Consulting Engineers working cloesly  with the Dublin City Council  Planning and Conservation officers  to secure a successful outcome. This success was also contributed to by having a commtted client  in Clarendon Properties.

The apartments  are all different, largely  driven by the shapes and spaces pre existing in the building.   In addition however the extremly high attic  facilitated the creation of duplex units in that space.

The units are contemporary in  design which provides a contrast to to the historical building.

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The Irish Times created a video of the interior of the apartments and  a link to this video is below.


Tony Manahan